Programming with Java. Your first app!

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    Java is the most popular language in the world! Most Android apps are written in Java, and the Android OS as well. The largest corporate server applications for finance and banking are also most often written in Java. Today, it is used by 9 million developers around the world. 7 billion devices in the world work in this language.

    Your child will learn the basics of programming, learn how to create mobile apps for Android, master the skills of creating their own apps and simple computer games.

    The ability to program in Java is a necessity!

    • Module duration – 3 months

    The First International CyberSchool has developed a module for learning programming in the Java language, which is specially adapted for children's perception and consists of 80% practical classes. Tutors of the module are highly qualified specialists from major IT companies and leading teachers of major universities. By understanding the principles of programming, working with a remote server and code editor, as well as improving programming skills in an entertaining way, they will be able to engage students in creating mobile applications with an Android interface, allowing them to plunge into the world of development. Learning Java, children will never be bored!

    Features of “Programming with Java. Your first app!” module

    In KIBERone CyberSchool, your child will be able to learn how to program mobile apps in one of the most popular languages on the planet. Java is considered a good language to start with, is actively used for developing mobile applications and is the official programming language for the Android platform.

    With the growing importance of web based and mobile based applications, Java today is the foundation for most networked applications and is considered to be useful for scripting, web-based content, enterprise software, games and mobile applications.

    We will give your children a minimum of theory and a maximum of practice, acquire them with the basic principles of OOP (object-oriented programming) and the basics of Java, instill the right habits when writing program codes, and teach them how to effectively use the capabilities of the Android platform and resources. The knowledge and skills gained during the training can be used both for developing mobile applications for Android and for desktop.

    The program of the Java language learning module for students includes the following areas:

    • Java capabilities and syntax;
    • familiarization with the object-oriented approach, design principles, and theory of algorithms;
    • creating a class hierarchy and working with calculations in RAM;
    • familiarization with standard Java libraries and special Android libraries;
    • creating and configuring an Android project in Java, including building a user interface, screen elements and buttons, changing their properties;
    • designing the logic of the mobile application, including graphic design, registration settings and other key events;
    • layout of graphical interfaces and adaptation of the application for any Android device;
    • creating an emulator to run and test applications;
    • development and presentation of amazing Android applications;
    • familiarization with the methods of distributing finished applications on third-party resources.

    When it comes to building computer programming skills, learning Java will take children way beyond the games of their childhood. Knowing Java will be a clear advantage in their future career.
    When children learn Java, they are learning more than just a language. Because Java is a technology platform with many interconnected capabilities that can give cutting-edge, in-demand job skills. Java can take you where you want to go.

    The purpose of the module is to give children a start in the world of Android development. After completing the training module for developing mobile applications from scratch, it will be easier for your child to master one of the most popular, promising and highly paying professions in the IT sphere.

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