Project in Scratch. Creating games with Scratch. Game logic

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    The module is intended for children who are already familiar with the Scratch language, but want to improve their programming skills and become real professionals. Classes are held in the format of project work: your child will make a complex logical or graphic 2D game of the selected genre.

    Personal game. Complex algorithm. Knowledge of mathematics. Development of the game story

    • Module duration - 2 month

    Scratch is a popular programming environment for children and teenagers, because there is no need to write codes manually. The platform interface is convenient, intuitive, and full of bright characters. Children will create a prototype of the most popular game by themselves using Scratch development platform.

    KIBERone CyberSchool has developed a module "Project in Scratch" for young programmers, who are already familiar with the basics of this language, know the advantages of creating multi-block algorithms and now want to dive deeper into this exciting Scratch atmosphere, open new horizons, pump up the skills of a game developer, create incredible projects with logical chains, multi-level connections and structures.

    Features of the "Project in Scratch. Creating Games with Scratch. Game Logic" module.

    This module is aimed at getting more familiar with the specifics of the Scratch environment and its capabilities. The module uses modern tools that allow children to create complex games and training projects. In addition, Scratch language is actively used for robot programming and integrates with various robotic kits (Lego, Arduino), and the transition for children from Scratch programming to Python in the future will be more convenient.

    Each student will learn something new and amazing. Under the guidance of experienced and creative mentors, children will get the skills of project work and as a result create a complex logical or graphic 2D game in their chosen genre. During 2 months, our young programmers will:

    • improve their computer skills;
    • develop logic, thinking and creativity;
    • refresh the basics of programming for children, including commands, variables, loops, conditions, lists, building algorithms, mathematical functions (multiplication, division, percentages, coordinate axes, degrees, etc.);
    • learn how to create complex scripts, draw in image editors, enter, output and process information;
    • be able to create challenging games, simulators and demonstration materials.

    Information technologies are developing at a rapid pace, and programming training in ordinary schools is conducted with a minimum of practice and is not interesting at all. Let your children to be a few steps ahead of their peers — give them the opportunity to learn to think quickly and clearly, to design logical chains with an awareness of the consequences of a particular decision. Under the guidance of experienced and motivating tutors of our CyberSchool, your child will feel free in the digital world, learn cybersecurity, get the opportunity to use the most advanced technologies for the benefit of themselves and their families.

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