HTML Basics. Web Development

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    HTML is the standard hypertext markup language for creating Web pages. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript.

    Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage and render the documents into multimedia web pages. HTML describes the structure of a web page semantically and originally included cues for the appearance of the document.

    Students will acquaint with tags, attributes, events, color names, entities, character-sets, URL encoding, language codes, HTTP messages, and more.

    • Module duration - 2 month

    KIBERone CyberSchool for children has developed a module for learning the basics of HTML and web development for children from 9 years old. There will be no unnecessary theory in the classroom, so young programmers will not have time to get bored. The program for learning the hypertext markup language is adapted specifically for children's perception, and the lessons are exciting. There will be a lot of practical tasks and interactive activities for children to learn programming with pleasure. Give your child the opportunity to keep up with the times in the age of high technology, become a real webmaster and develop unique and creative projects.

    Features of the module "HTML Basics. Web Development" in our CyberSchool

    The specialty of a web developer in the ranking of the most popular and highest paying jobs in the IT sphere is on the top lines. This module is dedicated to learning the basics and features of the HTML language. Leading web developers from IT companies and design studios will share their skills with children.

    The knowledge gained in 2 months will help children to create and program web pages by themselves, fill them with text, tables, pictures and video content, build relationships between pages and eventually make their own website, publish it on the Internet. In addition, the web development module will help children become more attentive to details, learn how to structure information and approach problems systematically.

    We will teach the child programming from simple to complex. In the classroom, children will:

    • learn the main language tags;
    • learn to understand the structure of the page, including the title, encoding, keywords, and a brief description of the page;
    • remember the basic syntactic structures;
    • work in HTML with text markup (with lists, selections, hyphens, separators, citations, indexes), tables (creation, borders, margins, alignment, color and size), links, forms, images and their descriptions;
    • get acquainted with current quality standards, rules for placing information on the page, and requirements for modern websites and web applications;
    • create HTML pages, build grids, make table layout, create a prototype site;
    • optimize the code and prepare their project for publication;
    • put the site on the Internet.

    Knowledge of the basics of the HTML web programming language and website layout skills will help the child move on to learning more complex material. This module is an initial step on the path of a web developer.

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