Photo and Video Editing

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    This module is dedicated to shooting and editing videos, creating child’s own video, the basics of oratory skills, the correctness of the information flow, and introduction to the etiquette.

    • Module duration - 1 month

    The program of module of KIBERone is specially adapted for children's perception, and leading professionals of design studios for the development and promotion of IT products conduct classes. During the training, your child will master the technical skills of working with a computer and the main tools of photo and video shooting, video editing techniques with musical accompaniment and voice-over.
    During the month, children will learn the basics of etiquette and public speaking, develop creative abilities and artistic taste, learn to work in a team. All this knowledge and skills will help them to create a great video with the best shots and a spectacular storyline.

    Features and tasks of the photo and video editing module

    The module of photo and video editing in CyberSchool is dedicated to skills that are so in-demand among young people: shooting, cutting and editing frames, creating titles and audio sequences, adding effects for a brighter, more memorable video and the final assembly of the video. At the same time, children can pass this module without initial training and without purchasing professional equipment (shooting is possible using a smartphone or tablet). Lessons are held in an accessible and easy form, as they include only 20% of the theoretical foundations and 80% of time is devoted to practical classes that combine creativity and practicing techniques.

    By the end of the module, your child will:

    • learn professional vocabulary, concepts and styles of shooting, editing;
    • learn about the available graphics and video editors, the specifics of working with them and their capabilities;
    • master the principles of photo editing and creating slide shows;
    • be able to develop scenarios and draw up a frames plan;
    • try to work on a shoot;
    • learn how to choose the best shots from the footage;
    • collect a video clip from individual frames;
    • pass the basics of mixing and learn how to apply voice or music to videos;
    • learn how to import photos, audio or video files to different programs;
    • learn how to save videos in a single format and upload it to their YouTube channel.

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