Cloud Technologies

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    The main objectives of the course are to increase the level of computer literacy and information culture of children, develop memory, creative and analytical abilities, as well as cognitive and professional interest in cloud technologies.

    The module will acquaint children with the concept of "cloud technologies" and all the features of cloud services. During the classes, we will consider options for their practical use in software development when performing creative works and homework.

    The module is suitable for both beginners, and for those who are already familiar with the basics of coding and application development. Tutors of the CyberSchool are experts in cloud technologies in leading IT companies; they present the material in an interesting and entertaining way, reveal a lot of tips for developing and testing applications in the cloud systems. After completing the course, children will actively use their knowledge in educational and extracurricular activities.

    Features of “Cloud technologies” training module

    Cloud technologies are a convenient way to remotely process and store information. They are used to combine and download media files, documents and images, to provide shared access to projects, and to solve problems related to optimizing it processes. Switching to the cloud gives users the opportunity to refuse to finance powerful servers, purchase expensive licensed programs and additional resources.

    Nowadays, cloud technologies are considered the most promising area for research and work, as all kinds of applications are increasingly created and deployed exclusively in the cloud. More and more government departments, educational and research institutions, as well as organizations, which activities are focused on working with huge information arrays, are switching to them.

    During classes in the International CyberSchool, tutors tell children about the latest cloud services, various platforms, teach them how to work with cloud storage, transfer the load from the PC to the cloud backend.

    During the module, students will learn cloud technologies from the software development side and from the infrastructure side. Students will:

    • get familiar with the concept of the cloud and gain basic knowledge about the emergence, development and use of cloud technologies;
    • learn about the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing and its solutions for security, scaling, deployment, backup, and disaster recovery;
    • learn existing cloud services and how they interact with AWS, GCP, Azure, Google, Amazon Web Services, Cloud Computing, MapReduce, Apache Hadoop, S3, IAM, and the private (local) cloud services;
    • learn about the key ideas of cloud technologies – including Iaas, PaaS and SaaS;
    • gain user skills to create an account and email, questionnaires, tests, blogs, photo storage, as well as skills to work in text documents, tables, presentations, learn how to open shared access and organize teamwork on projects;
    • learn about the features of transferring existing applications to the cloud and developing web applications for deployment in the cloud;
    • master the technologies of computer processing, interpretation, storage and presentation of information.

    By the end of this module, young programmers will have learned the basic concepts of cloud computing and will be able to work on public and local cloud platforms. The course is also aimed at developing practical skills and creative abilities, spatial and associative thinking. It will prepare students for life in the modern information society and acquaint them

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